Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Banana Pudding Mecca

Hello, my name is Jannie

I’m introducing what many have called some of the best banana pudding in the world.  How this came about…well my family and many friends have begged me for years to make them banana pudding.  So by popular demand here I am offering what I've been told to be the best banana pudding in the world.

Let me just add that is is simply some damn good banana pudding.

So if you are a banana pudding lover, fall in love with this

Or what people die for...I'm talking about these======

Do you want something different.... how about this one== now these are so unique don't you think...say yes.

Have you tried banana pudding and chocolate cookies? 
 How about a cool refreshing banana pudding milk shake?

Now as my insane marketing guy and partner Robert Spiller says…put this in the mouth

Sorry, he said he meant this one=================>

Robert did you mean these, make your mind=========>

Anyone looking for an insane marketing consultant.

That's enough.  Just call Jannie Mays at 313-996-9692
Or call Robert at 313-685-7228
robert spiller marketing consultants

Call me today and just put these in your mouth.